


Deep dive: 
Achieve what you want.
With your customers, investors, partners, teams. Faster. Easier.

Dive deeply and get an unfair advantage over everybody else. Benefit from combining your genius with the most powerful influence and negotiation tools.

You are a very experienced professional, highly intelligent person and you offer great products or services. And you cannot understand how some people with much less skills can

  • have so huge impact and fame
  • acquire so much customers
  • get so much more investment
  • make best people work with them
  • get awarded for their mediocre projects
  • make so much more money

If you can relate at least to half of them, continue reading.

Now imagine you have the influence, persuasion and negotiation skills like them.

What if you and your team were 5 times more productive and energized than ever before. Your Genius tells you when you are in flow. So get there also in your project work, and together with your team.

When team members know they are in flow, they can work better together. They can begin to use neutral language and realign their roles on the team.

And then the whole team can be at least five times more productive.

If you add the influencing, persuasion and negotiation techniques suited for your Genius profile, you and your team will be even stronger. Copy-paste approach simply does not work for everybody.

The path leads through the influencing and persuasion in flow

A state where we bring the most value, and gain the most trust from others. And feel energized.

Everyone gets into flow in their way. And if we understand our unique journey and other people's journey, we can work together better and easier.

LP - obr-1

You will experience many AHA moments that you will immediately put into practice.

During the workshop, you will immediately know what to focus on. You will understand it through your concrete examples. You will reframe many of your own experiences and problems to solve.


“Working with the Talent Dynamics methodology makes sense to me and I would like to possibly establish cooperation for further development. It is a simple system with great depth and applicability in real life.

Marian Hlaváček
Scrum Master, 4Trans Holding s.r.o.

Finally great results - Simple, Speedy, Successful
Project Management 5.0

Zentiva Group a.s.

The program will be useful for leaders, project managers and even motivated project team members.

We are influencing, persuading and negotiating several times every day.

We are fighting for resources, customers, and convincing others about our proposals and solutions. Knowing how to approach this is critical. 
In AI times even more than before. Human contact will make a huge difference. 
Negotiation skills, influence, and persuasion are no soft skills. 
These are hard skills for a successful future.

Mistr projektu

Zjistěte více o programu Mistr projektů 5.0

Připravili jsme pro vás zdarma webinář, kde vás v 60 minutách seznámíme s obsahem vzdělávacího programu Mistr projektů 5.0.

Objevte v sobě mistra projektů - webinář

3 reasons for participating in this program

  • To increase your productivity at least 5x
  • To get what you want for your project, team, organization
  • To attract the best people

In the program, you will learn

  • How to work with your team with the flow in mind
  • How to influence and persuade others
  • How to avoid the biggest traps in negotiation

You will frame your existing experience and gain new skills

This program will be truly transformational and consists of a 3 hour intensive workshop.

Introduction - discover your super skills

What is your unique profile, what are your superskills, what is your most productive way in communication with others.

"Without understanding the principles of this workshop, you have a 12.5% chance of functioning in your natural setting."

7 Keys to Influence - hack the 7 key approaches to achieve what you want
  • You will build your own arsenal of tools, based on your specific profile.
  • You will understand what to primarily focus on in the preparatory phase for any meeting or presentation.
  • You will learn the power of your personal authority: how to work with your body, voice, appearance and more.

“I was super lucky to get the feedback and mentorship of Ivana. She helped me and my team a lot on getting our hands on the brand of our startup, targeting, and even how to incite a good company culture.
She had a very hands on approach and is very spot on when giving practical advice so that each of those points have become tools for us ever since."

Leart Zogjani

Founder at Skins Agency & Symbolt

Your workshop mentor

Ivana Šedivá - profil


Professional mentor and business coach

For almost 30 years she has gained experience in board level positions at McDonald's or Johnson & Johnson.

You will benefit from her experience in  leading and coaching many influential meetings, presentations and many negotiations with great results. 
You will benefit from many trainings and workshops she went though herself, including the Hostile Negotiation workshops from FBI legendary negotiators.

Now she's passing on her experience to owners and CEOs at successful startups and companies around the world. She has mentored more than 650 startups around the world and thousands of business people have attended her workshops and lectures.
Don't miss it.

Program guarantor

Josef Hajkr_kompr


CEO SHINE Consulting

The webinar is part of the comprehensive SHINE program for Project management 5.0 in the third millennium.

"As of January 2021, I am dedicating more than half of my time to international projects. I use practices that really work in project management".


“Beneficial courses under quality guidance and with a friendly approach.

Josef Vícha
Faculty bursar, Silesian University in Opava


“This was the third course from SHINE that I have taken and again it did not disappoint, you guys are good.

Eva Prokšová
Project Manager, Silesian University in Opava

Master your influence on projects will be held on

December 3, 2024 at 8am GMT / 9am CET / 4pm SGT. Duration 3 hours

To guarantee you the highest level of quality education, we have limited the number of participants.

The first 15 people will receive the program at a special price.


Master your influence on projects

  • One three-hour workshop to discover your superpowers and move the needle in your influence, persuasion and negotiation skills.
  • How to continue to work with the flow to make tasks fun.

Full GeniusU Mentor Status

  • Access the ability to connect with over 2.5+ million members looking for help and guidance and to be promoted by our “Genie” with your own 5 star ratings and reviews.

Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind (G.E.M.)

  • A full year in the Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind programme run by Roger James Hamilton and his panel of experts.

ShineStarlight portal

  • You'll get access to a unique portal where you'll find a team of AI project assistants and other AI digital tools in one place 24/7.

One month ePower training guide on your profile

Token to take the Wealth Dynamics Test and Wealth Dynamics for Project Management supplementary report 

  • Take the World's No.1 Entrepreneur Profiling Tool, now fully shareable, integrated, and mobile-friendly on GeniusU.
  • If you have already taken this test, you can give the token to a friend or colleague. Plus, you'll also get a special supplemental report that explains how you can best succeed in project management using the Wealth Dynamics typology.
$2 546


I want to know more about Master Your Influence on Projects workshop

Are you a complete team?

If you have more than 8 people in your team, it is worthwhile to implement this development programme on a bespoke basis. The bespoke format allows you to choose the dates according to your needs, as well as modify the programme to your business and issues. We will prepare a special offer for the implementation of the custom form.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Josef Hajkr_kompr

Josef Hajkr
CEO Shine Consulting

“If you are interested in a bespoke program, let's arrange an online meeting to discuss your needs. We will then prepare a quote specifically for you.”


Veronika Muselikova
Community Builder

“Please direct any questions about the program Master your influence on projects directly to me.”


How does the Master your influence on projects take place?

There will be one three-hour interactive online workshop. 


When does the program take place?

Master your influence on projects workshops will be held on 23rd November, 2023.


Isn't the program only for leaders and managers?

The program is primarily suitable for leaders, managers, project managers, and project team members, but it is also very useful for other motivated team members.

I'm afraid I'll have to buy more expensive equipment and software. Is that right?

To complete the Master your influence on projects, you need a computer connected to the internet, sound, and a camera. All other software applications we will use are free.


Will I have time for this when I have many other tasks?

You will. It is just 3 hours. The time you dedicate to the program will be paid back multiple times.


Won't that be too difficult?

We will guide you step by step, do not worry.