
18. 3. - 14. 4. 2025 ONLINE

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Discover your project genius 5.0 webinar recording

Simplify your project management approach and increase revenue quickly by mastering the right habits and leveraging your unique strengths

Master your project genius in 4 weeks.
You'll manage projects in the AI age easily, confidently and calmly.

Managing projects is not easy…

Everything is complicated, simple and practical instructions are missing - the project is delayed and made more expensive.

You fail to create a project team that is truly motivated and pulling together.

You'd like to use AI tools but have no idea how or where to start.

Everyone is overwhelmed with tasks and you are extinguishing conflicts instead of leading.

You are often on your own, with no one to help you and no one to thank you at the end.

69 % of projects did not meet the objectives


Your ability to lead a project properly fundamentally affects the performance and productivity of the entire team.

Dear entrepreneurs,

today's times are full of change. The rapid emergence of AI and automation is completely changing the game. Business models that worked before are completely unworkable. Everyone has ideas for solutions. We can all create bold promotion plans. But an idea becomes a good idea when you can bring it to fruition quickly and when someone buys the new product or service. We all know that if we want to create something worthwhile, it depends on working with other people. Whether it's family, sport, art or business.

That’s why we created the Master Your Project Genius 5.0!

We have put the most useful things into this program we have discovered during our 25 years of practice  and added new knowledge on how to use AI and automation. Just the simple and practical things that we use ourselves and that have helped us to successfully cope with times of crisis. Master Your Project Genius 5.0 is constantly being improved and innovative thanks to the 842+ companies that have passed it so far.

Thanks to Wealth and Talent Dynamics typology you will find with our help your project genius and become the Master of your projects. You will get yourself and the people around you to "flow". In just one month, you will master all the essentials under our guidance.

Josef Hajkr_kompr
Josef Hajkr

You can master project management when you use the right processes and tools.

Our approach is based on the Triple Constraint.

The Triple Constraint principles are now used in daily work by more than 842 companies that can no longer imagine project management without it.

Benefit from our 25 years of experience and achieve great results with our revolutionary methodology.

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Shine - reference- dolejš tomáš

“To bet on SHINE Consulting was a good choice. After a short time, we are sure that invested efforts and money are paying off in many ways. It was an investment to the future."

Tomáš Dolejš



Zjistěte více o programu Mistr projektů 5.0

Připravili jsme pro vás zdarma webinář, kde vás v 60 minutách seznámíme s obsahem vzdělávacího programu Mistr projektů 5.0.

Objevte v sobě mistra projektů - webinář

Finally great results - Simple, Speedy, Successful

Project Management 5.0


“Project methods by Shine are well thought out and truly practical. No fluff. While consulting my everyday project management problems I always received simple and genius solutions which are based on many years of experience. Shine consultants are truly world class.

Martin Šusta
Business Analyst / Architect, ICT Manager / Project manager

“The training is tailored to my profession as a project manager, it introduced me to project management from a different angle than I was used to dealing with and thinking about. I will definitely use a lot of my newly acquired knowledge.

Dana Teinerová
Project manager, Teva Pharmaceuticals

We have packaged the Triple Constraint processes into Master Your Project Genius 5.0 program

Program is designed specifically for


Project managers


Group 36
Group 21

Are you an Entrepreneur?

In recent years, project management has undergone a radical revolution, enabling modern entrepreneurs to achieve better outcomes with less time and money, while maintaining clarity and composure.

By leveraging agile practices and technology, project managers can now seamlessly collaborate with team members working from both office and home, achieving greater efficiency and effectiveness.

Are you Project manager?

Learn how to manage projects in a digital world. Stop thinking about procedures. Get a simple and actionable guide on how to deliver your projects successfully.

Have you ever wondered: "How can projects be completed on time and within a budget?" Our program Master Your Project Genius 5.0 will give you all the answers.

Group 22
Group 23

Are you Freelancer?

Learn the best practices to manage and oversee projects properly. Projects will be successful, and you will work with ease and joy.


“The training was not only a theoretical guide to project management, but was also a great insight into practice, including the possibility of practical testing in several exercises during the training.

Josef Růčka
Ademco CZ s.r.o.


I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to lead projects at a professional level and learn something new from masters in the field.

Olga Kocourková
Club manager, SATS

3 důvody proč se programu zúčastnit

V programu Mistr projektů 5.0 se naučíte vše podstatné od správného zahájení projektu až po jeho úspěšné ukončení.

Group 24
Dozvíte se, jak si ujasnit smysl projektu, vytvořit dobré zadání a nenechat si projekt přerůst přes hlavu.
Group 25
Naučíte se myslet a jednat agilně, jak vést správně projektové porady a jednoduše pracovat s riziky.
Group 26
Budete vědět, jak využít svých vrozených vlastností a rozvíjet vnitřní motivaci spolupracovníků.

What you will learn on the program Master Your Project Genius 5.0

You will be masters of your projects in 4 weeks

You will learn the essentials from the right way to start a project to the successful completion.

You'll know how to foster and develop intrinsic motivation in your collaborators.

You will learn how to clarify the purpose of the project, create a good brief and not let the project go over your head.

You will apply knowledge directly into practice and receive immediate feedback.

You'll learn how to think and act agile, how to conduct good project meetings and how to work with risks in a simple way.

You will work on your own project and do your own work.

What you get in this program

You will learn how to manage uncertainty and change in your projects effectively and with clarity.

You'll be more professional: You will become an indispensable member of the team and you will get rid of the feeling that you don't know where to go.

Save time: you get a practical and simple guide to projects, even in a hybrid environment or with the help of AI. 

You will have completed your own work: you will develop your own projects and get feedback from the tutors and other participants.

This will give you all more time for creative work, personal life and your further development. You will gain more energy and satisfaction.

Your mentors

Experienced, internationally certified trainers and consultants with 20+ years of experience will show you their own working practices.

Josef Hajkr_kompr

Josef Hajkr

Senior consultant, mentor and lecturer

25 years in project management as a project manager, consultant and lecturer in companies such as ThermoFisher or Skoda Auto.

 CEO of Shine Consulting

Přemysl Hoffmann

Premysl Hoffmann

Senior consultant, mentor and lecturer

20 years in project management as a project manager, consultant and lecturer in companies such as ThermoFisher or L'ORÉAL. Teacher at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool in Antwerp.

Thanks to the fact that we work for large companies, we provide small companies with know-how that they would not normally have access to.

zdvorily tomas - transparent

“Just after one session we made changes in planning projects with my team. And I can say that applying Shine methodology took 4 hours but we made more progress in those 4 hours than 3 months prior to this microschool. My colleagues said “We needed something like this for so long!”. I am looking forward to the next project. Projects are finally fun and exciting to do.

Tomáš Zdvořilý
IT manager, Recovera

Master Your Project Genius 5.0 program will take place

March 18 - April 14, 2025

The number of places is limited. The first 15 people will receive the program at a special price.


Exact dates and times are as follows:

Onboarding: March 18, 2025 ❘ 8 - 9 a.m. GMT (UK)

Lessons: March 21, 28 and April 4, 11, 2025 ❘ 8 - 11,30 a.m. GMT

Q&A: April 14, 2025 ❘ 8 - 9 a.m. GMT

Summary of everything you get

Group 24

Master Your Project Genius 5.0 program

Value 970 USD

  • 4x180 minutes of interactive online training with video recording of all lessons and feedback on your real projects.
  • An easy-to-use guide on how to start, plan and successfully implement projects in the digital world with all the materials, templates and examples for immediate use.
  • Learn how to lead a project in the AI age and digital world using an agile approach to create a functioning project team and actually achieve the desired project outcomes.
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Group 25

Master Your Project Genius Toolbox 5.0

Value 160 USD

  • Digital workplace - simplify the preparation, planning and management of the entire project. You won't forget anything important and save hours of work. The workspace includes additional documents and a work board with space for team discussion and creation.
  • Self-audit - a simple questionnaire to assess the impact your current management style is having on the project. The self-assessment will greatly help you focus on what's important.
  • Techniques checklist - you will check if you have used the techniques and procedures from the course correctly. You will avoid unnecessary mistakes and increase your proficiency.
  • Project meeting map - a reliable navigator for the project coordination meeting (status meeting). The meeting will be fast, efficient and you won't forget anything important.
Group 50

Group 26

Bonus 60 minute Q&A session

Value 68 USD

  • You will get specific feedback and recommendations from the trainers on the exact problems that are bothering you.
MP - Q&A lekce

Group 27-2

Full GeniusU Mentor Status

Value 970 USD

Ability to connect with over 950,000 members looking for help and guidance and to be promoted by “Genie” with your own 5 star ratings and reviews. You can:

  • Set up your community circles to build quality leads and trust.
  • Create your own paid Microcourses and Microschools on GeniusU.
  • Set up, host and run your own events, both virtually and in real time.
  • Share your opportunities with all of the the other members on GeniusU.

Group 28

Genius Educator Metaversity (G.E.M.)

Value 970 USD

  • A full year on the Genius Educator Metaversity programme run by Roger James Hamilton.
  • A full year long access pass to all of the expert Microcourses being run through the Genius Academy.
  • A monthly mastermind of 11 calls to learn from some of the top entrepreneurs in our network.
  • Access the full back catalogue of recordings.
  • A community of over 2000 entrepreneurs to support your growth and share opportunities with.

Group 29-2

Master Your Project Genius 5.0 for Microsoft environment

Value 109 USD

  • A guide on how to leverage our unique practices within Microsoft environments and products. This guide is easily transferable to other tools.
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Group 30-2

ShineStarlight portal

Value 49 USD

  • You'll get access to a unique portal where you'll find a team of AI project assistants and other AI digital tools in one place 24/7.

Group 31-2

10 additional project thinking videos

Value 22 USD

  • Videos which provide valuable insights and tips on how to approach projects more effectively, resulting in improved outcomes and greater success.
Group 51

Summary of everything you get

Mistr projektů 5.0 – Záměr + Lidé + Prostředí (Hodnota 13 800 Kč)

  • Teprve až víte, kam přesně jdete, tak máte šanci tam dojít.
  • Odhalíte, jak v lidech probudit jejich vnitřní motivaci a nasměrovat ji na daný projekt.
  • Nastavíte pravidla, která vám pomáhají a mnohdy udělají práci za vás.

Toolbox Mistr projektů 5.0 (Hodnota 3 900 Kč)

  • Digitální pracoviště - zjednodušíte si přípravu, plánování i řízení celého projektu. Na nic podstatného nezapomenete a ušetříte hodiny práce. Pracoviště obsahuje další vychytané dokumenty a pracovní nástěnku s prostorem k týmové diskuzi i tvorbě.
  • Sebeaudit - jednoduchým dotazníkem zhodnotíte, jaké důsledky na projekt má váš aktuální způsob řízení. Sebehodnocení vám výrazně pomůže soustředit se na to podstatné.
  • Kontrolní seznam technik - zkontrolujete, jestli jste použili techniky a postupy z kurzu správně. Vyvarujete se zbytečných chyb a zvýšíte tak svoje mistrovství.
  • Mapa projektové porady - spolehlivý navigátor pro projektovou koordinační poradu (status meeting). Porada proběhne rychle, efektivně a na nic důležitého nezapomenete.

 100 microlearningových kurzů (Hodnota 1 590 Kč)

  • Díky podpoře získáte na šest měsíců přístup k srozumitelným online návodům na téma digitální produktivita, bezpečnost a soukromí, agilita, manažerské dovednosti, trendy a inovace, Microsoft Office 365, Google Workspace.

Bonusová Q&A lekce na 60 minut (Hodnota 1 500 Kč)

  • Získáte od lektorů konkrétní zpětnou vazbu a doporučení přesně k situaci, která vás trápí.

10 doplňkových videí projektového myšlení (Hodnota 490 Kč)

  • Získáte přístup na šest měsíců k unikátním autorským videím z dílny SHINE.

Certifikát dokládající absolvování tréninkových hodin IPMA (Hodnota 11 800 Kč)

  • Podíleli jsme se na návrhu certifikačních postupů IPMA. S jistotou tedy víme, že námi učené know how informačně přesahuje rámec otázek ke zkoušce. Získáte celkem 16 akreditovaných hodin.

Mistr projektů 5.0 pro Microsoft prostředí (Hodnota 2 600 Kč)

  • Návod, jak naše unikátní postupy využít v rámci Microsoft prostředí a produktů. Tento návod je jednoduše překlopitelný do jiných nástrojů.

“Very well prepared course, I appreciated especially the practical focus, a lot of tips for daily practice and the willingness of the lecturers to answer individual questions of the course participants. I was pleasantly surprised by the online version of the course, it was very contactable, we all actively participated and I did not feel any discomfort compared to the face-to-face form of the course. I can only recommend the course and I believe that I will be using it in practice for a long time to come.

Jana Handlířová
Project Manager, SoftwareONE Czech Republic s.r.o.


“Each word or model situation accurately describes the idea, so that participants perfectly understand the meaning and significance of what is being said. The instructors are extremely knowledgeable and are great at keeping attention and creative collaboration. It is one of those courses where you are really looking forward to putting the theory you have learned into practice. Even after a long time, much of what was said continues to resonate with me.

Eva Sojáková
Professional Development Specialist, ČNB


3 318 USD

Regular price
970 USD
680 USD

Use promo coupon MYP30%OFF

(for first 15 participants)

You will save 2 638 USD

Master Your Project Genius 5.0 program – value 970 USD

Additionally you will get: 

Master Your Project Genius Toolbox 5.0 – value 160 USD

Bonus 60 minute Q&A session – value 68 USD

Full GeniusU Mentor Status – value 970 USD

Genius Educator Metaversity (G.E.M.) – value 970 USD

Master Your Project Genius 5.0 for Microsoft environment – value 109 USD

ShineStarlight portal  – value 49 USD

10 additional project thinking videos – value 22 USD

Value of all bonuses is 3 318 USD


I want to get this program

Don't miss this unique chance to become a project genius.

If you need to pay by invoice, contact us via email:

“Very positive experience, professionally conducted training and I really liked the work of the lecturer in the virtual environment.

Petr Bílek
Senior Process Engineer, Plzeňský Prazdroj

“Definitely a great benefit, new experience and knowledge, professional and warm approach. I can only recommend.

Radka Suchá
Digital Distribution Manager, E. ON Distribuce, a.s.

More than 6 participants?

If you want to enroll more than 6 people, book a call with Shine Consulting CEO, Josef Hajkr. We will tailor our knowledge for your company and you can choose a date which suits you better.

Contact us if you have any questions

Josef Hajkr_kompr

Josef Hajkr
CEO Shine Consulting

“If you are interested in a bespoke masterclass, let's arrange an online meeting to discuss your needs. We will then prepare a quote specifically for you.”


Kateřina Vybíralová
Course Coordinator 

“If you have any questions about the Master Your Project Genius 5.0 program, please don't hesitate to contact me.”