

Do you have an important project that needs to go well?

With our support, your project will move forward quickly, avoiding risks and costly mistakes.

Projects are all around us but rarely do they succeed…

  • 45% of business is project-based
    Yet there is a lack of people with the experience to manage projects.

  • 87% of executives have not taken any training on how to be an effective project sponsor 
    The consequence is unclear terms of reference with frequent changes and poor project support.

  • 67% of project managers do other work
    Managers are permanently overloaded and do not have enough time to coordinate projects.

69% of projects will not meet their objectives. Projects are completed later, at a lower quality, and you use many more resources than planned.

We will get you efficient help in situations you don't know how to handle. Don't waste time looking for different solutions. We will guide you.

Proven solutions exist

With our years of experience, we'll guide you through everything you need to do to get projects done quickly, avoiding risks and costly mistakes.

You will better prepare the project for implementation. Eliminate possible misunderstandings right from the start.

All team members will know what their task is. They will be motivated to get involved in the project.

You will be sure of which tools and techniques to use. You will make everything as simple as possible.

You will have the right environment for your projects.

If you run into a difficult situation, we'll help you resolve it.

You will continuously improve, evaluate the project correctly at the end and learn lessons for the next time.


"Thanks to expert guidance, we have succeeded to set up a project portfolio system where it is easier to see the connections between projects. It was helpful for clear and easy project reporting.

The newly gained experience helps to manage and report important contracts in a meaningful way (faster, cheaper, and better quality). Among other things, important changes in our department have well-defined inputs and clear objectives."

Martin Koncok - reference fotka

Martin Končok
Head of Department FS, ENGEL

When you use Help with project

  • You're tackling an important project that needs to turn out well.
  • You have many project tasks and less time, and you need advice from someone.
  • You want to set up a better environment to deliver your projects.

With our project assistance, you will find a solution that helps to complete your project, change, or innovation.

Help with projects is great for

Project managers

You know how to manage projects, but you don't have time to keep up to date with new developments in agility, hybrid collaboration, and digital skills.

Help with projects is for you if you need to make things simpler and more efficient.

Shine lidé (4)

Help with projects is also suitable for

Project sponsors and leaders of project managers

You need to specify a project well, prepare it for implementation and motivate people. Finally, you want to keep track of resources and use them properly. You expect your projects to be successful.

The employees who are responsible for the project

Your knowledge of how to manage projects is rather theoretical. You don't want to make a mistake and end up alone. You need someone to show you a simple and practical guide to projects.

Zjistěte více o programu Mistr projektů 5.0

Připravili jsme pro vás zdarma webinář, kde vás v 60 minutách seznámíme s obsahem vzdělávacího programu Mistr projektů 5.0.

Objevte v sobě mistra projektů - webinář

It is also advisable to take one of the training programs - Master Your Project Genius 5.0 for project managers or Project Leader 5.0 for project leaders.

How we implement Help with projects

We can provide this service both online and personally. Sessions are most effective as hourly online meetings. The length of any workshops is then according to need.

Help with projects may also include other specialized products and services:

With 25+ years of experience and working with over 1000 companies, we have developed our unique approach to Project Management 5.0 - CHARACTERS, ATTITUDES AND CAPABILITIES.

Who will help you with your projects

We have a team of experienced, internationally certified project managers and consultants.


Ing. Josef Hajkr, Ph.D., MBA

Senior consultant, copilot and lecturer, certified IPMA Level B® Manager and IPMA Examiner.

President of IPMA for the Czech Republic in 2002-2005.
Long-time lecturer in project management in Executive MBA programs.

25 years in project management as a project manager, consultant, and lecturer in companies such as ŠKODA AUTO, Plzeňský Prazdroj, ZF Engineering, L'Oréal, Doosan Bobcat.

Michael Motal

Ing. Michael Motal

Senior consultant, copilot and lecturer, certified IPMA Level B® Manager and IPMA Examiner.

President of IPMA for the Czech Republic in 2010-2016.

25 years in project management as a project manager, consultant, and lecturer in companies such as ČNB, Česká zbrojovka, ETnetera, RWE Gas Storage, Saint Gobain, HESTEGO, Greiner Packaging, Konica Minolta.

Martin Adámek ADA shine

Ing. Martin Adámek, MBA, LL. M.

Project manager, consultant and copilot with more than 20 years of experience in project management. 

Certification - IPMA Level A® Certified Executive Consultant & Coach in Project Management a IPMA Level B® Senior Project Manager.

He has worked on projects and programs for E.ON, RWE, innogy, ZF Engineering, LINET, Doosan Bobcat, CONTIPRO, TEVA, CEMEX.

Taking into account the specific situation, we select the most suitable member of our team.

"After ten years in business, we were looking for a way to transform the company from a small one with the associated management processes into a mid-sized company with further growth opportunities. 

With the people from SHINE, we tuned quickly into the joint note and began to revise, create and consolidate the company into a new vision. After only a short time, we are confident that the efforts and costs we have invested are paying off in many ways. We will continue to do so in the future. Not only in the better functioning of the company but also in the simple fact that we are now "sleeping better".

We did not have to go through trial and error. It's great to work with people who understand what they are doing and who find the work fun."


Tomáš Dolejš

Schedule a FREE appointment, and let's find out together how we can help you

“If you want to help with your projects, let's set up an online meeting to discuss your needs. We will then prepare an offer specifically for you.”

Josef Hajkr_kompr

Josef Hajkr

CEO SHINE Consulting