This program will run for 4 weeks online.
Limited places and discounted price for first registrants.
We take it the wrong way round! Simply flipping processes online doesn't work.
We often meet when we don't need to and organise meetings badly.
We’re no good at structuring the data we store, and then don't keep track of it.
We solve misunderstandings with long emails when a simple comment will do. Moreover, we cannot effectively prevent these misunderstandings.
At Digiskills and SHINE, we value our clients' time. That's why we put our heads together and created the Project Genius 5.0 program.
That's how much extra time we spend in front of the computer because of our lack of technology knowledge and poor communication practices.
That's how much of our work week is spent regularly reading and writing emails and tracking down information in email communications.
That's the monumental increase in the number of emails delivered since the start of the coronavirus pandemic - between February 2020 and February 2021.
By engaging the right communication practices and technologies, you can achieve personal and team productivity increases of up to a quarter.
You will save at least 90 minutes a day of your time. You will have time to meet the people you love.
You'll receive tips on software applications and best practices for tackling tasks in the online world. No more difficult tasks will go over your head.
You'll finally master working in the digital world. You'll look professional and people will love working with you.
We've prepared a free webinar to give you a 60-minute introduction to the content of the Brilliant Projectionist 5.0 training program.
Watch the recording of the introductory webinar
Four weeks packed with training, support group work and immediate feedback. The opportunity to study from microlearning courses and learn not only from the trainers but also from other participants.
The launch of Project Genius 5.0 and all lessons will be recorded and if you miss one, you can listen to it afterwards.
Over the course of 4 weeks, you will learn how to effectively and confidently manage uncertainty and change when dealing with complex tasks in the digital age.
Our experienced trainers and consultants will show you their own working practices through real-life examples.
The combination of SHINE and Digiskills offers a combination of expertise in the fields of project management and digital growth.
Hours of online training since May 2020 by our teams.
We know what really works.
Consulting and training days per year by our trainers.
We know what you really need.
Hours logged in the Digiskills portal for 2020 on digital skills and project management topics.
New registered users in the Digiskills portal in 2020.
We know how to support online learning.
Gabriela Škarvadová, HR Specialist, Thermo Fisher Scientific
The perfect combination of an introduction to project thinking with tips on digital tools to improve productivity for everyday work organization. Great lecturers and the opportunity to meet people from different fields across the country.
Rostislav Souček, Development Technologist, TOS VARNSDORF
I consider the combination of the 3 support tools used on-line webinar with a shared area, Mural and Digiskills portal as excellent tools that give the course an unusual and high level.
Ilona Bužková, Project Manager, Salvation Army
The training will provide a lot of practical techniques and tweaks for project management.
Milan Štefanišin, Head of Investment Department, CS Cabot
Well-prepared programme, competent lecturers.
Tomas Kozlok, Head of Development Projects and Testing Room, TOS VARNSDORF
A very practical training with professional and friendly lecturers that will open your eyes and show you the possibilities of effective project management and communication in project implementation.
The price of $970 is limited to the first 50 participants
The total price of the programme and all parts included in the package is: $4093
Save: $3123
Follow up your Project Genius 5.0 program with a follow-up Master Your Project Genius 5.0 microschool focused on project management for entrepreneurs.
This optional microschool will be running in April till May 2022. For more details see the microschool Master Your Project Genius 5.0
Regular price: $4093
Save: $3123
8x90 minutes of interactive training,
4x60 minutes of Q&A,
feedback on real projects and digitalization included in the price of $970
In addition, for this price you will get:
Individual online consultation on project management or digital productivity issues for 30 minutes (access for 12 months) - valued at $140
Toolbox for easy and practical translation of knowledge into practice - valued at $260
Access to a learning portal, with more than 150 microlearning courses on digital and project productivity (access for 12 months) - valued at $144
Full mentor status on GeniusU for 12 months - valued at $970
Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind - valued at $970
Wealth Dynamics token - valued at $97
You will receive bonuses totalling $3123
Regular price: $4115
Save: $3145
Onboarding to the program, 8x90 minutes of interactive training, 4x60 minutes of Q&A, feedback on real projects and digitalization included in the price of $970
In addition, in this price you will get:
Individual online consultation on project management or digital productivity issues for 30 minutes - valued at $140
Toolbox for easy and practical translation of knowledge into practice - valued at $260
Access to the Digiskills learning portal, with more than 150 microlearning courses on digital productivity (access for 12 months) - valued at $144
10 microlearning videos with access for 12 months - valued at $44
Full mentor status on GeniusU for 12 months - valued at $970
Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind - valued at $970
Wealth Dynamics token - valued at $97
You will receive bonuses totalling $3145
Learn more about in an online call with our Community Builder Martina to answer all your questions about the program Project Genius 5.0 microschool.
Martina Cílková
Community Builder
4 weeks of interactive online program - valued at $970
8 x 90 minute interactive training sessions, 4 x 60 minute Q&A question and answer sessions, feedback on real projects and digital.
Toolbox for easy and practical translation of knowledge into practice - valued at $260
Access to a total of XXX microlearning courses on digital productivity and project management are included - valued at $144
You will get easy-to-understand online tutorials on project management and digitalisation topics. You can follow these tutorials at any time. You can even come back to them.
Individual online consultation on project management or digital productivity issues for 30 minutes - valued at $140
You get specific feedback and recommendations on exactly the situation you are interested in.
Microlearning videos with access for 12 months - valued at $22
Full mentor status on GeniusU for 12 months - valued at $970
You get specific feedback and recommendations on exactly the situation you are insterested in.
Access the ability to connect with over 1.4 million members looking for help and guidance and to be promoted by our “Genie” with your own 5 star ratings and reviews. You can:
Set up your community circles to build quality leads and trust. Create your own paid Microcourses and Microschools on GeniusU. Set up, host and run your own events, both virtually and in real timeShare your opportunities with all of the other members on GeniusU. Place your products and services for sale on the GeniusU web store.
Earn affiliate commissions and track your earnings on a personalised dashboard
Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind - valued at $970
A full year in the Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind programme run by Roger James Hamilton and his top mentors like Michelle Clarke.
This includes:
A monthly mastermind of 11 calls to learn from some of the top entrepreneurs in our network. You get access to monthly “Ask me anything” sessions with our top mentors, where you can share highlights, ask direct questions related to your business.
Access the full back catalogue of recordings. A community of over 2000 entrepreneurs to support your growth and share opportunities with.
Wealth Dynamic token - valued at $97
Wealth Dynamics is the world’s leading profiling tool for entrepreneurs. Take the test to find out which of the eight wealth profiles is your natural path.
Your personalized report will give you clear direction on what path to follow in your job, business and investments. Why make things hard work when you can follow your flow?
What are the dates of the Project Genius 5.0 Microschool?
The program launches on 14th of March, 2022 with a live session from Josef Hajkr at 9am UK time or 9am Pacific time (depending on what time zone you are in) and concludes on 8th of April, 2022.
How is the program delivered?
The course is delivered over four weeks with two live mentor sessions, two implementation days and a Q&A webinar each week.
How much time does it take to attend the Project Genius 5.0 Microschool?
The Project Genius 5.0 will only take you 2x90 minutes per week for interactive training, 1x60 minutes Q&A and peer presentation session. Then 2-3 hours at any time of the week for independent work. The time you dedicate to the program will save you money right away over the next month.
Isn't this just for specialists?
The program is most suitable for yellow and green entrepreneurs. But it is also suitable for employees. You will use the information from the program whether you manage a team of people or not. You will use the knowledge you gain in each of your roles, including your personal life.
What’s the advantage in combining project management and digital skills?
Yes. Project management and digital skills support each other perfectly. People need to address both. We have created a COMBO product that picks the most useful from both topics to increase your effectiveness in the digital age. So, for the price of one, you get useful knowledge from both areas.
What if I can't attend all the online sessions?
No problem. All lessons will be recorded and available to you. If you are unable to attend a lesson, you can watch the recording once it is available. In addition, all recordings will be available to you for 12 months after the program begins.
I have no project management or digital experience. Is this program right for me?
No experience is necessary. All you need is a basic ability to use a computer and smartphone.
Will I need to purchase additional expensive equipment and software?
Not at all. All you need to successfully complete Project Genius 5.0 is a computer connected to the internet, audio and a camera. All the other SW applications we will be using are either free, or you can use them in trial versions for the duration of the program, again for free.
Is it possible to learn anything online?
Yes. It's even more effective than the face-to-face form. The main reason why online is so effective is the gradual learning from each other (called "social learning"). You can much better implement a model online where training sessions are not done as all-day one-off events, but as a series of sessions usually 90 minutes long. Similar to a school, there are 2 lessons per week. In between, you then practice a specific assignment and technique that has been explained to you. And at the next lesson you discuss your experience and the developed outcomes with the tutor and others.
Is it even for me if I'm not doing projects?
Projects affect absolutely everyone, whether it's organising a house renovation, moving house, organising a wedding etc. Projects are simply all around us, even if we sometimes don't call them that.
Won't it be difficult?
We will guide you step by step. You'll get support through video, feedback from the tutor. In addition, you will be supported by other participants. We will use only simple software tools. You will also choose what you decide to use.
Will we be assigned a mentor for the duration of the program?
Yes, your mentor will be available for Q&A at allocated times during the four week academy. In addition to this, our trainers will be available at key times during the academy for Q&A within our GeniusU circle. You will be amongst a powerful and robust network of entrepreneurs for ongoing business development, opportunities and support.
Do I have to have an existing business?
No you don’t. The three streams, digital freelance, digital startup and digital enterprise cater for all levels of business and even those looking to start a business for the first time. The information, structure, mentoring and other entrepreneurs will support you in moving your idea or enterprise forward no matter what stage it is at.